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Sample of how a country’s location could appear. A list of towns and cities will be found adjacent to it. See these maps 

These related images are seen here:

Watch this video:

Discover What’s Happening Today in Your Favorite Location


Users may purchase inside 3 locations for showing their videos. One is on the webpage for that country. You see samples online here:
The 2nd location is on this page for whichever city/town is listed in the location options currently available. Most videos will be placed in the local city. 15 days @$1.50. Set this amount to affiliates ($1.50 – 0.25 = 16.66667) On the HTML table in each country is a link to “click to upload your video”. Forminator and others can be used to gather the normal info.

Accommodations 27Doom Tourism 3Ecotourism 19Entertainment 86Environmental 5
Adventure 37Ethnic 4Events 23Exercise 14Food Services 103
Art Heritage 19Health Medical Related 8Marine tourismNature based 27Outdoor 52
Attractions 119Recreations 51Pro Poor 32Scientific Expeditions Sea based
Creative 76Sex Tourism 9Shopping 47Sightseeing 129Souveniring 92
Cultural 61Sports 12Transportation 66Travel Trade 3Unexpected Surprises 54
Dark Tourism 6Scammers 6

However you design it, each of these categories will display the number of videos in this category in this city. EXCEPT for the “scammers” list which shows how many in the entire country. This number appears on the main website page. Only when arriving onto this page and selecting a location then it works same as all other categories of videos. I’m using this affiliate plugin and no person can upload a video without giving the link of who sent them to our site. Anyone may become an affiliate.

To see FAQ’s, discuss questions, details, etc then use that link.