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Sample of standardized advertising banner used worldwide by participating countries. Superimpose small image of  your country flag onto correct continent.

Click Our Flag at

To be displayed where the majority of tourists are likely to traverse. Highly recommended to be widely used in print media.

This MP3 explains this next image.

Be Famous Contest Image This page helps developers visualize just one method of showing a location and the 30 categories of current activities happening today. It is seen upon clicking WHATS’ HAPPENING TODAY link in KH website page at While this prototype displays Cambodia, it would be similar for each location seen in the entire website.

This is a rough idea/prototype/mockup of a video prototype containing all KH locations along Asian Highways 1 or 11 in alphabetical order. Each location has listing of all 30 categories of tourism activities, and populated with user supplied promotional videos. A counter also indicates how many current activities are in each category. Please support this prototype that effectively prevents tourists from leaving any chosen location, and possibly causing them to extend Visas.

See these sample countries

to know how all remaining locations will initially appear once coded by my Developers.

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