“At www.7MillionTourismJobs.com we finance, train & assist Governments & Tourism Officials in 110+ countries to QUICKLY deliver up to 7Million Tourism Related Jobs to your citizens.”
Why and how I will help put big money into your pockets, help make your favorite dreams come true, and guarantee you will become more famous than you already are.
Because the U.S. Government prints my name on the rear of $1 bills, I’m already a famous trophy.
If you are or want to become an influencer, especially a live streamer, then consider assisting my goal of creating and promoting tourism related jobs in Asia, Africa, Australia and the Americas. You agree to do this for me then here is how I will assist you. Write a To-Do list about how your favorite dream will become real if you only had a million dollars. How long would it take you to spend the money? Next, use that list and your mobile phone to make a convincing video asking everyone to search for your name in the “contestants” box at “7Million Tourism Jobs.com” and donate some real cash money into your account to help make your favorite dream come true. Avoid the mistakes these people made.
Everyone will see the Top-20 female influencers in each country, along with how much money you have collected so far. Clicking onto your photo also brings up your profile and favorite dreams video. Change and improve your favorite dreams video as often as you need, to get people to donate more cash money to you. At the bottom of the webpage in each country is a link to the list of the Top-100 female contestants in that country.
You already know the internet has thousands of links about live streaming. You also know that Content is King. Near the bottom of your webpage click the link beginning with “Discover What’s Happening Today in Your Favorite Location”. At the top of that webpage in image #1, click it to see the list of activities tourists enjoy doing.
You 3 hosts will begin at Accommodations and each week go up to the next category. This is so all Top-100 contestants (and everyone else) can tell her followers what to expect during the main broadcast you 3 will host. It also tells everyone to create a job in that category so everyone can see what jobs they can do to earn money helping tourists. You could do a countdown until you reach the #1 promo video in that category, and tell why you like it. Have every contestant (if possible) discuss the gifts sponsors have donated for the winners that week. I plan to create a weekly prizes webpage link for each country, to show everyone what the sponsors are donating for some category, and how many they are donating. Hosts will decide who receives which prizes and how many they get. All other contestants now have valuable and new content to talk about in their streams.
Many people and organizations have a following but don’t want to become a “contestant” at this time. VIP’s like Xi Jinping, Donald Trump, Vladimir Putin, Joe Rogan, even Snoop Dogg, can influence others to “Show Everyone 30 Different Ways You Can Earn Money Helping Tourists”. The more people registering and putting their name into the referred by box, the more cash they earn.